eXtensible Markup Language. It has a clearly defined standard to structure, describe and interchange data. The term eXtensible in XML means you can invent your own tag names.
XML Document Object Model. The model describes the elements of a XML document as nodes of a tree. These nodes can be used by scripting languages , such as JavaScript or by programming languages such as Java..
Document Type Definition. This definition is part of the original XML 1.0 specification that allows a XML document author to define how its elements and attribbutes may be used. The DTD is also known as the Content Model or Schema.
eXensible Stylesheet Language Transformation. A program that transforms XML into HTML pages for display in a browser.
Resource Description Framework.
Really Simple Syndication is a standard XML format for delivering content that changes on a regular basis.
XMLSchema |
The XMLSchema is a more powerful document Schema than DTD that can specify data types.
Simple API for XML.
Simple Object Access Protocol is a lightweight, XML-based protocol for exchanging information in a distributed environment. It uses a SOAP envelope to define a framework for describing a message's contents and how to process it.
XML verus HTML
Like HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), XML uses tags to describe data. However XML is used for data description, whereas HTML is used for data presentation. For example the
<B>... </B>
tags are used to show the enclosed text in bold format no matter what the data is. It is only concerned with presenting the data. XML has no predefined tags. You use your own tags to describe data. For example to describe a product you can use a tags such as
</ProductID> to enclose an product identity number or name. An XSLT program can be used to transform XML data into HTML web pages.
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