Statement 1 | Statement 2 | Comments |
str[5]='\0'; | *(str+5)='\0'; | |
&my_array[MAX]; | my_array+MAX; | |
ptr=&my_array[0] | ptr=my_array; | my_array=&my_array[0] Name of array is address of first element. |
(*foo).value=80; | foo->value=80; | |
&multi[3][0] | *(multi + 3) | Address of first element in 4th row. |
multi[3][1] | *( *(multi + 3) + 1) | For second element in 4th row, add 1 to address and de-reference result. |
struct b : a{.....}; | class b : public a{public: .....}; | |
e+=12 | e=e+12 | |
(c) Compiled by A J & B V Wood.