Tips on VHDL Design, Programming and Books.
VHDL is a hardware description language that is used to describe hardware circuits in a programming language. VHDL describes the structure, data flow, and behavioral methods of a hardware design. In this way, VHDL can be used to document a design, verify its use by simulation and synthesize it to build a gate array, FPGA or ASIC device.
VHDL is an acronym which stands for VHSIC Hardware Description Language. VHSIC is another acronym, which stands for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit.
FPGA is an acronym for Field Programable Gate Array. The FPGA device can be programmed more than once in the field or laboratory.
ASIC is an acroynm for Application Specific Intergrated Circuit which programmed only once in a production environment for a specific purpose when a design is fixed.