Summary of Key Terms
Age-uke (ah-geh oo-kay) - upper rising block.
Chudan (chew-dahn) - chest area.
Dojo (dough-joe) - training gym.
Empi (en-pee) - elbow.
Fudo-dachi (foo-dough dah-chee) - rooted stance.
Gedan (geh-dahn) - lower area of the body.
Gedan-barai (geh-dahn haa-rah-ee) - downward block.
Gi (ghee) - karate suit.
Gyaku-suki (gya-koo zoo-key) - reverse punch.
Haito (hi-toe) - ridge-hand.
Ippon-ken (ee-pone ken) - one knuckle fist.
Jodan (joe-dan) - head area.
Juji-uke (jew-gee oo-kay) - X-block.
Kanku (kahn-koo) - viewing the sky - kata.
Keage (kay-ah-geh) - side snap kick.
Keito (kay-toe) - chicken head wrist.
Kekomi (kay-koh-me) - side thrust kick.
Kiba-dachi (key-bah dah-chee) - side stance.
Kihon (key-hohn) - basic technique.
Shoto-uke (so-toh oo-kay) - knife-hand block.
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