Summary of Key Terms
BIOS - firmware to configure and control the computer when it is switched on.
Cache - a small fast area of memory used to hold recently accessed data.
Ethernet - networking technology for local area networks, metropolitan area networks and wide area networks.
Firewall - a system to prevent unauthorized access to or from a network.
Hyperlink - an element in an electronic document to relate one place to another.
IP address - Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique numerical identifier for every device or network that connects to the internet..
Modem - a device to transmit (modulate) and receive (demodulate) data over telephone lines or cable.
Operating system - a main program used to run other programs and perform basic tasks.
Pixel - a pixel (abbreviated px) is a picture element that is the smallest unit of a digital image.
Protocol - a set of rules to follow for successful data communication.
USB - a hardware interface for connecting up to 127 peripheral devices using a Universal Serial Bus.
An old style IBM computer, monitor and keyboard are shown in this historic 1993
phonecard to introduce and advertise IBM's Computer Aided Telephony Systems.